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"Cloud4Smart" proposal was approved by KtP SA under the context of Operational Programme "Digital Convergence" - specifically ICT4GROWTH program (code ICT-000674) @ Tripoli - Peloponnese
Telesto has designed and developed a Sensor Platform named “Cloud4Smart”, that provides a cloud enabled framework for building sensor application. More specifically the framework provides an OGC compatible sensor data model (O&M), standard based services also based on OGC, tools to manage sensors metadata and theirs values in a PaaS Cloud environment, the mechanisms to define sensor generated events and libraries, tools and techniques to easily integrate new sensors systems and simple reusable widgets that enable the out-of the box visualization of sensor data.
Architecturally, it is component-based following the SOA principles, allowing easy extensibility and integration in third party solutions. Technically the loosely-coupled distinct components are provided within Linux containers, allowing the system's scaling in a cloud environment. It is based on Java and adopts well established open source technologies such ActiveMQ, Fabric8, Drools and Liferay. The cloud functionality is provided by emerging cloud technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.
The framework can be integrated and extended in third party solutions, providing the sensor functionality and the tools to create sensor based application and query sensor data. Possible applications can be integration of SCADA systems, Data Analysis systems etc.
The project is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).
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